Sunday, November 23, 2008

[breakdown night]



that little thing
left alone
next to nothing
breaks down
collapses onto itself
crumbles into pieces
until they cannot break further

and the peaceful night
collects them
and spreads over the plain

Tiny edit 2020.08.24.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

* "Flower" by Kim Ch'un-su


Before I spoke his name
he was simply
one set of gestures, nothing more.

Then I spoke his name,
he came to me
and became a flower.

Just as I spoke his name,
I hope that someone will speak my name,
one right for my color and perfume.
I long to go to him
and become his flower.

We all of us
long to become something.
You for me, and I for you,
we long to become a never-to-be-forgotten gaze.

translated by brother Anthony

The Flower
It is nothing but a mere pose
Before I call it by name.
When I call it by name
It comes to me and becomes a flower.
Would that someone call me
By name that matches my color and scent;
I shall come to him and become a flower.
All of us desire to be something
Meaningful to each other.
You to me, I to you.

Translated by Kim Joihiun

내가 그의 이름이 불러 주기 전에는
그는 다만
하나의 몸짓에 지나지 않았다.

내가 그의 이름이 불러 주었을 때
그는 나에게로 와서 꽃이 되었다

내가 그의 이름을 불러 준 것처럼
나의 이 빛깔과 향기에 알맞은
누가 나의 이름을 불러다오.
그에게로 가서 나도
그의 꽃이 되고 싶다.

우리들은 모두
무엇이 되고 싶다
나는 너에게 너는 나에게
잊혀지지 않는 하나의 눈짓이 되고 싶다

[from here]

Monday, November 10, 2008

? artyzm

tego dnia wstałem trochę wcześniej
wyczucie czasu jest bardzo ważne
ze świeżością dociera świadomość
słońca, które dopiero się wspina, ale wie już jak
oczu, które patrzą z nieba, podpowiadają mi tekst
bo pierwsza próba jest premierą
a ty jesteś najważniejszym krytykiem
moja opoko

takt w takt, krok w krok
kanapki, herbata, skarpety na zmianę
jeszcze zapiąć plecak i uśmiech
na pewność, której tak bardzo potrzebujesz
szmer koszmaru utonął w zlewie, kiedy przemywałem oczy

oczy szeroko otwarte, patrzą w publiczność, widzą wszystko
trzecie oko wpatrzone w ciebie
widz studiuje geometryczne ciało:
linia, trójkąt, koło, jednoczesność, następstwo
napięcie, radość, energia
gracja, czułość, spokój

artyzm, czyli instynkt bycia prawdziwym
na miejscu, o czasie, bez krzty poślizgu
dopełnienie nie ubliża wspaniałemu kontekstowi
wdzięczność, która gra najczystszą nutą
uczucie, które znalazło wyraz

podążać za sercem, głowa wysoko

styczeń 2007

Friday, November 7, 2008

the joys of watching, touching, listening and tasting

the joys of watching, touching, listening and tasting
within me
I hold a treasure
another pair of eyes right behind mine
another touch just underneath my skin
a memory a fantasy I teach
and I don't pretend I understand
the curious look
the ears through which I hear
life happening
earns meaning

I begin where I end
I reach out
to beauty
to reality

I begin within you

Driver's Licence

            Driver’s Licence I’ll drive you to the Moomin Valley, let’s celebrate. Got a red car from my grand uncle, l’ll drive sin...