Friday, July 31, 2009



I take the
morning waterfall shiver
into sunlight.
I make the bed.
I stuff the clothes
into the basket
and wash the floor.
Until there's a place,
a possibility.

I'm clean.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

over the rainbow

gdzieś ponad tęczą

przemeblowuję wspomnienia, szukam konturu światła
farba co daje tyle różnych barw, rano, południe
szukam tej spod twoich palców
a ja nie mam ulubionych
kiepski w kolorach i ślepy na zapachy
znam tylko kontury zapachów

farby w mojej palecie są coraz bardziej kanciaste
kąty oczu
kąty ust
kąt w kawiarni
spięte włosy
kąt twoich palców na ścianie

bazylia pachnie jak deszcz przyprawiony światłem
odchodzącego słońca

translated into English the day after

over the rainbow

I refurnish memories, searching for the contour of the light
the paint which gives so many hues, in the morning, noon
I look for the one from under your fingers
well I'm no good with colors, blind to odors
I only know the contours of the scents

the dyes in my palette are ever more angular
the angles of the eyes
the corners of the mouth
the corner table at the cafeteria
braced hair
the angle of your fingers at the wall

the basil smells like a rain flavored with the light
of a setting sun

Saturday, July 11, 2009



winged face
fasting's made you sharp
senses tidied up
when you swoop without regard
to unfriendly ground

thickened blood
the life that you hunt
the smell keeps you awake
wide above the plain

by an untold spell
you soar
a falcon a hawk

Driver's Licence

            Driver’s Licence I’ll drive you to the Moomin Valley, let’s celebrate. Got a red car from my grand uncle, l’ll drive sin...