Friday, July 1, 2011



brown bridges of bark-
hardened wool
green garden bridges
brook brows and foothealers
forest alleys
red bike rides
the roots of this place
the grass bridging to the woods
doors painted blue
glossy windows
bridges of spider silk
and optic fibers
bridges outspread
between trunks and islands

stitching soft words
over unsecured loops
knitted fabric
a suspension wale
- weight anchoring to the ground -
spanned over a river of yarn
that flows closely curve by curve
or stretches beyond
as if suspended on teeth -
biting into
the strings

building bridges
climbing bridges
crossing bridges
bridging bridges

being a bridge


speciesunknown8 said...

"a suspension wale"

in knitting, a wale is the vertical chevron-like line made by the Vs. wikipedia illustrates it well with this photo:

bark-hardened wool, are you referring to felting?

red bike rides? i'm curious about that one.

a river of yarn. i like that.

suspended in teeth, biting into the strings. hm. if you think of the needle as a lip and the teeth are coming down out of it? interesting.

i enjoy.

i enjoy you.


Lukasz Stafiniak said...

Inspired by "Diaspora" by Greg Egan.

Driver's Licence

            Driver’s Licence I’ll drive you to the Moomin Valley, let’s celebrate. Got a red car from my grand uncle, l’ll drive sin...