Saturday, July 16, 2011



falling awake

borrowing a polo shirt
with colors subtly textured

carrying a heavy bag
of a restless night
asking the smiling day for directions

bumping into people and resolutions
failing to deliver
and refitting scaffoldings

Gaudí constructions
searching for a piece of mind
to inhabit

taking a seat next to someone
to ask for a little help

morning down the streets
and letting the sea
play with the calves

evening dining out
table by the beach
taken for a walk
then Avinguda d'Icària
and say goodnight
to yet someone

noon at aeroport
unpacking sandwiches
to eat while waiting

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



I'm so scared
of touching you
I'm scared
of the hurt I've done
and am going to do
I'm scared
of not being grown-up
up to dreaming of you

I'm scared to death
that will us part


Friday, July 1, 2011



brown bridges of bark-
hardened wool
green garden bridges
brook brows and foothealers
forest alleys
red bike rides
the roots of this place
the grass bridging to the woods
doors painted blue
glossy windows
bridges of spider silk
and optic fibers
bridges outspread
between trunks and islands

stitching soft words
over unsecured loops
knitted fabric
a suspension wale
- weight anchoring to the ground -
spanned over a river of yarn
that flows closely curve by curve
or stretches beyond
as if suspended on teeth -
biting into
the strings

building bridges
climbing bridges
crossing bridges
bridging bridges

being a bridge

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

? [distances: close-apart]


A hand slips out of a hand and gets lost in a pocket. His smile stiffens slightly, gaze sharpens, her way gets more aside. Sparks of light scattered everywhere, drown expectations in a frosty beauty.


Sunny studio

You dance me
your joy
this place is as yours
this rhythm so vivid of you

--- translated from:


Dłoń gubi się z dłoni i wpada do kieszeni. Uśmiech sztywnieje nieco,
wzrok bardziej przenikliwy, droga bardziej obok. Iskry światła
wszędzie rozsypane, topią oczekiwania w morźnym pięknie.


Słoneczne studio

Tańczysz mną
twoja radość
to miejsce jak twoje
ten rytm jest tak żywy tobą
znalazł cię i mnie uskrzydla

--- 2007 / 2008



Feet at the foot of the ocean, the dress echoes the waves
and a while ago it was a kite pointing the way
over a rock, which deftly
served the fingers and toes

Arms outstretched in a mast
try out the wind; smiling eyes
rest on the horizon
follow a path on the surf
before you'd see a breaker

Who would think it possible
to assemble a shapely boat
of logs thrown out by the sea
-- a tarred charm by moon

But before the lady launches means
to tame the law-defiant edges of the world
we'll feed her some good dreams
bursting out with laughter
bursting like soap bubbles
with the kiss of dawn

--- translated from:


Stopy u stóp oceanu, suknia wtóruje falom
a przed chwilą była latawcem wskazującym drogę
ponad skałę, prężnie usłużną
władnym palcom

Ramiona rozpostarte w maszt
wypróbowują wiatr; uśmiechnięte oczy
odpoczywają na horyzoncie
śledzą ścieżkę wśród przyboju
chociaż nie dostrzegłbyś śladów

Któżby pomyślał
że można zbić kształtną łódź
z bali wyrzuconych przez morze
i zasmołować ją czarami

Lecz nim wyruszy piękna pani
poskramiać krąbrne prawa krańców świata
nakarmimy ją dobrymi snami
parskającymi śmiechem
pryskającymi jak bańki mydlane
z pocałunkiem świtu

--- Marzec 2008

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



without farewell
got my wheels
on the shortest route out

en route
a flat tire
a thousand miles from myself


Saturday, May 21, 2011

[end of the world]

the world is so small
that the end of it all
is a trifle:
don't worry,
it will heal in no time.

W.H. suggested:


the world is so small
that you bang your head
against the end of the world.


Sunday, February 13, 2011



hey, mister unquiet kid!
How come shoes grow on trees?
How come freshly white shirt
and solid trousers grew pastels over the night.
Now monks trouble naked feet
into the smile of autumn's just polished teeth.
Could a potatoes mound get sorted by surprise
And the retreat floor regain its proud face?


I build my Moving Pagoda on a solid foundation
of appropriated currents, its pillars are water.
I lay the second floor apprehending the vast
stretch of past that's not yet attached.
I tile the third roof with waterproof tension
so that I can bathe in heavenly bodies.
Relaxed water slinks in through tiled opals
on uncountable legs of a snake.

Some imagery from Oseam.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

? The Metaphysical Club

The Metaphysical Club

It was supposed to be entertaining.
Torches and all.
Only that friends forgot
and instead the moon plays tricks.
Ouch! a rattling represents
a bike on the ground.
That's why moonlight's called analytic --
sharp edges, flowing depths.
Damn curiosity, or perhaps I was just searching
for my friends --
and I got lost. Dragged into the silent theater.
Plucking up courage to give in.
Flow out of concern.

Sun is green,
and blue, and yellow.
Tall trees invite day from behind the shed
and there is the garden bench.
Bees wake up.
Oatmeal with honey.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

[just a comfort poem]


shall I call you?
the monads of firelight flicker but a while
and I haven't learnt anything today
shall I tell you...
since I think you know
and since the
here-be-dragons are dyed gunpowder
and the roaming trail is a stain from my
supper-busy fingers

I've cheated on you
-- from the day undone
I bottle an apology
I'll set it in the vastness of my heart
to drift away

so it floats into the fjords
of your sleep sheet

Driver's Licence

            Driver’s Licence I’ll drive you to the Moomin Valley, let’s celebrate. Got a red car from my grand uncle, l’ll drive sin...