Thursday, March 25, 2010

source code

source code

he bought me balloons
licked by the sun
our feet licked by the white
animal's tongue
strolling on the beach
I've grown two inches taller
his smile
writing a book in me


little tongues of salt on my boots
when he slammed the door
my trembling attention
captured by the frost

alien code
on the glass

--- [tłumaczenie: 30 V 2010]

kod źródłowy

kupił mi balony
słońca lizaki
nasze stopy liże biały
jęzor psiny
na tej plaży
urosłam o dwa palce
ściskając jego dłoń


języczki soli na moich butach
gdy trzasnął drzwiami
rozkołataną uwagę
przykuł szron

obcy kod
na szybie

--- 5 XII 2010

-- 26 X 2018
Originally this poem had the following ending. I found a better ending for the Polish translation (the original ending refused to be translated). I back-translated the new ending now.

white flowers on the window glass
caught my trembling attention

I wonder the language
of their inner life

--8 III 2020
Added the line "strolling on the beach" / "na tej plaży'.

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